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Monday, September 29, 2014

Week in Review: 2 weeks to #Chimarathon

Chicago- Lakeshore Drive.  The view I hope to have, once I accomplish a bucket list item of living in Lincoln Park!

So I am very excited to say the least about going to Chicago and having the opportunity to run the marathon. So awesome!! I am happily tapering too! No taper madness or crazies with the reduction of miles.

I think my body was screaming for the taper last week as I developed a few aches and pains that I normally never have to deal with - one ITband and a very tight quad. I was able to run through it while having it worked on but it was touch and go. I admit to being slightly concerned. I had one ART treatment on it and a very deep tissue massage on both that left them quite sore for 3 days. By Sunday, I was feeling okay we are on top of this and everything is going to okay.

It was completely my bad I had done way too many miles on the roads and sidewalks. I needed to be getting a lot more of miles on soft surfaces. So that is my goal this week to run on all soft surfaces so my muscles can bounce back and be ready to take the pounding 26.2 miles.

Week in Review:

Monday 10.25 miles easy
Tuesday 16 miles with 2 x 6 miles (7:15 first step & 7:10 second set)
Wednesday Yoga class
Thursday 10.5 miles easy
Friday 16.25 miles moderate effort & Pilates Class
Saturday OFF
Sunday 13.75 miles

Mileage - 66ish miles on the week

Very happy with the taper mileage! Enough to keep the aerobic system up and enough to allow for some recovery on my legs. Very thankful for where I am right now!


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week in Review - Just keep running cause life is pretty awesome and funny!

That moment when you realize it's not meant to be and you're finally at peace and thankful .... Happiness is finally achieved!

Such a big and awesome week for me! I got a last minute entry into the Chicago Marathon. Truly amazed and feeling so blessed by this amazing opportunity to run my dream marathon. I have actually registered for it 2 times before and things just prevented me going and running. Life is amazing how when you least expect it a miraculous twist of fate has you doing something you have always wanted to do!

10 Tips for Running Your Best Chicago Marathon | Runner's World & Running Times

This week was a great last week of training before I taper for Chicago. I felt pretty strong all week. I did have a bit a achy arch on one foot after one of my long runs. I got a deep tissue massage on it and haven't heard from it since. And I will admit to feeling a bit snackered this weekend but still got the mileage in so I am happy.

Here is the week:

Monday (AM) 8.5 miles easy (PM) 4.5 easy
Tuesday 16 miles @ 8:01
Wednesday 18 miles @ 7:59
Thursday 8.5 recovery
Friday (AM) 14 with 3 x 3 mile reps with 3 minutes rest in  6:47, 6:45, 6:39 (PM) 5 miles + 1 hours Pilates Class
Saturday 7 recovery
Sunday 11 easy/recovery

Mileage Total - 93 miles

I am still standing - 2 weeks in the 90s! Yeah! Definitely gives me some confidence! I am mostly in awe that I am not smackdown tired at all. I am have been sleeping well and trying to get enough carbs too this week.

Appropriate for today!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week in Review: Biggest Week Ever

β€œThe wound is the place where the Light enters you.” – Rumi – On New Zealand image taken by Florence McGinn -- Explore wisdom quotes at http://www.examiner.com/article/wise-quotes-to-inspire-learning-and-springboard-action?cid=rss

I am sort of stunned at how good I feel! I keep wondering how in the world I had the energy to complete this week. Totally in awe of the energy level and rhythm in found I high mileage.

I am getting better at fueling (eating enough) but still have room to really get this right running higher miles. I can really feel it on some runs and end up having to really knock back a few more gels that I thought I would need. I found out that I can get a terrific amount of carbs from black beans 41 grams of carbohydrate per cup! So I will be eating lots of black beans and rice to keep my energy stores high in coming weeks as I build to 100 miles a week.

I set the goal to hit 90 miles at the beginning of the week, never really doubting I could do it but run by run, mile by mile I felt so good and happy. Totally celebrating hitting this huge milestone for me and I ended up running 92 miles total!

Here is how it went:

Monday 10 easy
Tuesday 16 @ 8:07
Wednesday 16 @ 8:00
Thursday AM 8.50 Recovery PM 4 Easy
Friday AM 14.5 with 10 at 7;10  PM 4 easy & Pilates Class (1 hour)
Saturday 7 Recovery
Sunday 12 easy

Total miles - 92

I keep thanking God for the return to feel great running again! I am so blessed to be able to run this much and I keep thinking about how far God has taken me.

My goal is to keep my eyes on the stars, dreaming and believing! And enjoying the work as I so love running!


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Week in Review: Keeping on Grooving

Stay close to anything  love life quotes quotes quote life inspirational text

I had a great mileage week and a few workouts tossed in to keep the legs moving. I am pretty happy with the week as I felt strong for most of the miles and still feeling fresh after 3 weeks in the 80s and moving onto 90 this week.

Here is how my week looked overall:

Monday 8 easy
Tuesday AM 12 miles with 16 X 400 @ 6;18 pace PM 4 miles recovery
Wednesday 10 recovery
Thursday AM 8 with 2 x 2 miles @ 6:50 pace with 3 minute recovery PM - 5 easy miles
Friday 10 easy
Saturday 20 easy
Sunday 6 recovery

Total - 84 miles

I had hoped to get to 88 miles but with traveling for work/Running Camp and such. I will take it!

Feeling optimistic and just loving the groove of training.

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