Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a wonderful day to really sit back and give gratitude for all the wonderful things we are blessed with our life. I have so many people in my heart to be grateful for on this day!
I have the most loving and supportive husband that I share a wonderful life full of abundance. We have 2 beautiful children that are amazing people that enrich our lives and hearts every day.
I have a Dad that is my biggest fan and supporter in life who I have always drawn strength from. You are an amazing father with such deep capacity for love.
I have a Mom that is always there for me. She is always willing to listen to me and willing to come here to help me anytime I need her.
I have 2 sisters that will always be there for me through think and thin in life. Jodie is a pillar of strength and always looking for the best in people. One sister Jennifer who always understand me and I her deeper than anyone will get to know someone. The true acceptance in this relationship brings me so much peace to know you have someone that will love & accept you in all lifes ups & downs.
I have a brother that I don't get see or talk to very often but always know he is there for me. We have so much fun together when we get to spend time together. I will never forget his comment to me in my running journey - Never give up. Simple statement that has always stuck with me.
I have several close friends that I get to share my daily life and running adventures with. Love you girls Kim & Steph. If you gals happen to read this - I want you to know that I love you girls and thank you for caring for me as a friend. Sharing the highs and lows of life with people that don't judge but always press to understand and be there for you. Everyone should be so lucky to have friends like you gals!
I have a neighbor and friend that I have grown to love and admire - Angela. You may not know but I truly think you are a wonderful person that I admire for all your wonderful qualities. You have been a dear friend to me and I appreciate having you and getting to know you and your family.
And I so thankful for being able to pursue my dreams on a daily basis with all the love and support of my family & friends. I am thankful for every day that I am able to run. No run goes without gratitude because every day of health & happiness is a gift. Thank you to God & Universe for allowing me to live a life of abundant love.

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