Sunday, November 13, 2011

My First Post

I am been trying to find away to get away from the Facebook world. Although I have to admit I loved reading FB to my coffee in the AM. I decide to ditch FB for some more positive and heathly reading matters while having my coffee. I recently started following some inspiring runners blogs. This sparked my interest in having were to write about my running aspirations and daily musings.
Here I go...
This the first week of a 3 week high mileage block! I completed it without issue or fatigue. Yeah!!!
My week looked like this -
M - 6 Easy
T - 8 Easy
W - 10 Easy
T - 2 W/U, 2X 3 - 7:36, 7:28, 7:31 & 7:29, 7:33, 7:31 - 1 C/D
F - 8 Easy
S - 16 Easy @ 9:22 Average
S - 6 Recovery
Total - 63 Miles
The only thing I am watching and taking care of is a funky hip on my left side. With seems to stem from some tightness in the hip flexor & quads. Taking care to stretch, stick and ice as well as getting some ART on it this week. Should be a blip to soon be over with some care. Best that I am healthy and feeling strong.
Trying to stay positive in all things not only in my running but mindful of the thoughts that cross my head. Remember at all times that what you think about, you bring about. Also, to think & talk about what I love in my life at all times. This takes lots of discipline and being mindful of what you let into your head takes immense amount of discipline and focus. It is way tougher than one would think! Mental toughness & discipline is the key to taking my running to the next level.

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