Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nothing easy about 20 Miles

I wish I had something inspiring to say about my 20 miler today. Only thing I got is I survived! As many 20 milers that I logged in the last 3 years, I can't say they get easier at all. Nope they don't!
I had a killer block of workouts this weekend. 10 with 8 miles @ 7:59 average pace followed by 20 miles today with the last 4 miles 7:55, 7:55, 7:56, 7:43. Not 100% sure but I think Coach wanted me to run hard on fatigued legs which stimulate lag stage race fatigue. Legs were more fisty than fatigued but so ready to have a recovery day!!
Another tough week logged in the books! 64.5 Total which I think is a weekly mileage PR.
M - 9 Easy + Strides
T - 1 W/U, 3X3, 7:36, 7:33, 7:33 - 7:40, 7:36, 7:35 - 7:40, 7:35, 7:32 - 1 C/D = 11 miles
W - Off (first one in 13 days)
Th - 6 Easy
F - 8 Easy + Strides
S - 1.5 W/U, 8 @ MP 7:59, 1 C/D = 10.5
S - 20 with last 4 Hard Effort
Total Miles - 64.5

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