Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Taking Choice out of the Equation

Yesterday I had a really tough time get motivated to run an easy 8 miles. Not sure if I was tired, having a serious case of the blahs, or the dreary & cold weather. I just keep procrastinating till it was now or never. I ran errands, went to yoga and when I was almost out of time before the kids got of the bus I drove to the Riverwalk trail and busted out a easy 8 miles in a mixture of pouring to drizzling rain before I made it home just in time to sweep the kids of the bus. Ah! Felt good to get over myself and get something done that didn't want to be accomplished.
I know me not wanting to run. Crazy! But there are times when running is the last thing I want to be doing. My friend & running partner Kim is always in a state of shock when I have a crappy attitude about running. If I am bitching and whining, she is sort like wtf is going on Jamie isn't super jazzed about running today! She did admit to me once that is was nice to see that I am not always on cloud 9 when it comes to running. Makes me human and normal :-)
How do I manage to run when I don't want to run? Like yesterday and that 22 miler on Sunday. I just take choice out of the equation. It isn't a matter of if I am going to run it is a matter of when I do it..yes, I may procrastinate it like I did yesterday but I know it is going to get done. Just lace up the shoes and get going.
Sometimes we have to run even if we don't feel like it. It is the only way to succeed. If you only did something when you felt like it you are going to failure.
The key to training, and life, is taking that first step. The first step is the best step; it’s where intent meets action. Don’t talk about it; be about it. When you don’t feel like doing what you know needs to be done, take the variable of “the choice” out of the equation. Shut the mind off and just begin. - Josh Cox

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