Friday, December 9, 2011

Everyday is Gift! Open it up and enjoy....

I am thinking about all the gifts I have received in my pursuit of my dreams. How lucky am I to have these gifts in my life for without them this happy path I am on would not be possible or even enjoyable and rewarding...
I think practicing gratitude daily helps me to remember all the those gifts that god & universe provides so that my life can be the beautiful creation it is...
I was inspired to write a bit about gratitude by another runners blog where they have a daily gratitude journal within their blog.
I thought I would just take a blog post to give gratitude and love to all those people & things that make this life amazing.
I am grateful for COFFEE!!! 2 Cups Please
I am grateful for the love & support of my husband.
I am grateful for 2 beautiful & healthy children.
I am grateful for the gift and joy of running.
I am grateful for a healthy body that allows me to purse my dreams.
I am grateful for a healthy mind that allows me to purse my dreams.
I am grateful for the spirit that knows I am worthy of this pursuit.
I am grateful for the people that have been brought in my life to help me purse my dreams, Jeff, my coach, Katie, my massage therapist, and Ryan my soft tissue ART guy. I am not sure these simple words truly express the depth of my gratitude to these unique & caring people.
I am grateful for the special few faithful friends that cheer me on and truly believe in me.
I am grateful for having the resources to have a happy & comfortable life.
I am grateful for the hope that everyday holds.
I am grateful to those that have inspired me, those that have come before me and have showed me the way, that share their gifts with the world so that others may find a path to happiness & contentment and begin to believe in themselves and their dreams.
I am grateful for those artists that write songs that inspire you, tug at your heart and remind your spirit of how good it feels to hope, dream and live!
Live on and be happy!!!
“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
— Albert Schweitzer

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