Saturday, December 17, 2011

Getting through it

“The best way out is always through.” - Robert Frost
WOW! How much this quote resonates with me today! It is making me reflect back on a tough August & September of killer workouts that have prepared me to be running strong & confident now. I have no issue with running all the miles and long runs now as it is nothing compared to my tough summer running 20X 300 @3K pace in 80 degrees & close 100 humidity of the summer with 30 seconds rest. I had so many of these "just get through it" workouts. I remember telling myself several times over only way to get done is to get through it. Just get through it. I remember bringing chalk to the track to use it to tally my intervals. When I would finally crest half way point and sense of relief would drift through my body and mind. I thought Jeff, my coach, was trying to kill me but no he was just making me stronger. It was funny as I was very resistance to spending August on the track. It was Jeffs plan and I was not real keen on it at all and remember so many emails complaining to him that I did not like this speed stuff one bit especially after a 10 X 150 follow by 20 X 200 workout. He listened to my complaints but didn't change a thing but told me I had to work on my weakness. UGH!! So a good part of September was also spent honing my speed.
In restropect, I can look back on all the summer mornings at the track, dying, than praying and being reborn on the inside lane with immense pride. Each one making me tougher, stronger and allowing me to endure more. There was such an amazing feeling to start workouts in the dark and slowly watching the sun come over the track as I was finishing some intense workouts. Finishing up and greeting the day with immense satisfaction that I survived what very few people could accomplish. I mean 20 X 400 shit - it aint no thing :-) I actually think the 20X 300s were way harder though :-)

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