Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I have a secret weapon

I got to talking with someone today why I want to go for my dreams at the current point in my life. He spoke about volunteering at a nursing home and what resonated with him about all the retires was they talked a lot about what they would like to have done or could have done if they had made it a priority. This made me so much more firm in my decision to focus solely on my running dreams for the indefinite future. We sort of discussed that there is no better time for me to seize the day. I have now have all the resources and knowledge in place, I have never been more sure of my ability to take to the next level, I have the best tools and have surrounded myself with the best people in the business. Also I have the best support structure and a major sponsor, my dear & loving husband who shares my belief in myself. For anyone that knows him, you know what a kind and compassionate human being he is and I am so lucky to have him. No one knows me better and loves me as endlessly as he does. He would truly go to the ends of the earth for me and this running adventure has taken him to lots of points in North America. He has been carting our children around to races since Christian was 1 years. He has trekked many miles on race courses so that I could see the kids at mile 5, 15, 20, and finish lines. He has waited in cold, rain, heat and other adverse weather conditions for me at finish lines with two young children. He has charted unknown cities and some questionable areas all to support my running adventures. He has dealt with the craziness of my tapers, my pre-race anxieties, my diva like needs on race day, and hugged me in both joy of my completing my goal and heartbreak and sorrow when it slipped away. That is just what he does for me at races. During training, he is super dad, entertaining the kids on the weekends when I have out of town tune-up races, long runs or just need extra sleep.
I truly have the best support crew in place and it truly is a team effort. Nick is my secret weapon to making my dreams come true.

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