Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last Long Run

Well today was delightful! We had amazing weather here for my final long run. It was brilliantly sunny and 60s degrees. I decided I need to take my butt off to McApline to help keep myself healthy in the final weeks. McAlpine is a beautiful, woodsy, soft-surface trail where you can get decent mileage in without have to double back much.
My shin was aching a bit in mile 5-6 and it was bit concerning as I haven't had one issue with them in this training cycle. I think they were tight from last week mileage and running some hills in Baxter yesterday. I was thinking about them way too much and knew they aren't going to be an issue once my massage gal, Katie gets a hold of them on Tuesday so I just need to get this run in without doing too much damage. Anyway my mind was wondering to them too much when I spot a gal coming towards me on the trail that looks familiar. Ahy! Anne Marie from the Charlotte Running Club, she is a bit faster than me somewhere in 1-2 minute range for 5Ks faster but she is doing a 15 miler just like me and we both have the same amount of miles left so we decide to tie our ropes together and giddy up on the remainder of the run. Some miles we are chatting it up that I don't realize we drop in the 8:00-8:10 range. It was than I tried to slow us up a bit but Anne Marie is a fast one so we spend most of our time together in the 8:20-8:30s range. It was nice though to have some one to chat with and made those miles past so quick. I finished the 15 Easy miles @ 8:38 average which was 2:08 total time. The chatting made me shin pain all but disappear of which I hope it was just something that will be an overnight fix.

1 comment:

  1. Nice run. I rarely do long runs along so I know how much better it is to have company. It is not nearly as quality when I am by myself. Take care of the shin. -M
