Friday, December 23, 2011

Marathon Pace Run & Running greats

So I thought I follow up emotional outburst in my last post with something that helped swing me out that sad spot. I shared my feeling with a very dear person this AM. She insisted that I not this emotional test get in my way and continue to focus on my joy and goals. Sometimes when we are the brink of doing something great, we will get tested by God or the opposite of all that is good.
I decided on need to focus on my big weekend of running as it the final push before my taper. It was been daunting to think about and struggle with having to complete this mileage in the midst of the holiday weekend. I went out for my marathon pace run this AM. It was amazing how easy my marathon pace is becoming for me to manage without an effort. The pace just sort of happens. Today I needed to not be aggressive at all as tomorrow I have a 22 miler coupled with MP miles at the end of the run. I had to make sure that I did not come out of the MP range of 7:50-8:00.
Paces hit 8:00, 7:52, 7:56, 7:55, 7:53, 7:56, 7;54, 7:47 @ 7:54
Although I was still a bit emotionally from my emotion distraction, I had to put it behind me and focus on this run. Little did I know this run would help me elevate myself above others opinions of me. I focused on the strength that will have to muster in a few weeks. I thought of 5 strong women runners who inspire me. I thought of what made them strong and the uniqueness of each of them that has propelled to being fastest women in the USA. Many people don't realize this but it has never been a more exciting time in women's distance running. In the past few years, we have watched many women emerge to compete on an internal level. Never in our lifetime has been there been some much talent in womens running.
I thought of each of my favorite distance runners -
Desi - Desirree Davila
She has a deep sense of self belief that slowly moved her from a good to average college runner to being with 2 seconds of winning Boston last year. She battled with some of the strongest Kenya women and out kicked one and came within 2 seconds of becoming to first American women to have conveyed spot in 20 years.
She has a quiet and shy demeaner but has shown immense courage, self-belief and pure guts. She slowly moved
Shalane Flanagan
Firece is the first thing to come to mind when you think of Shalane. Shalane has always been fast but in youth her strong competitive drive was a weakness. Why? This drive made her go our fast with all that she had and often burn out before the finishline. She had to overcome this disciplined racing strategies. Once was able to get this under control, she has been a force of strength, confidence and true natural talent.
Kara Goucher
Goodness through and through is how you describe this gal. She was not a great runner in high school and pushed really hard in college to be great but was often injured. She overcome years of injuries on & off and persevered when others would throw in the towel.
And let's not forget Deena Kastor.
She is the fastest American women and they only one in contention for the team that already has an Olympic medal. Her last few years had not be ideal as she dealt with a foot stress fracture and than was bed rested for 6 months before the birth of child. It was several months after the birth of her first child before she could run again. She describes in article that a 10 minute pace was all could manage for a month after returning to running.
All these women have one thing in common a believeth in themselves and faith that will serve them well on January 14th. I very much look forward to watching this event.

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