Thursday, December 29, 2011

Taper Madness

Well it hasn't started yet but I suppose it will. I am thinking that I can use taper madness as excuse to do a bunch of on-line shopping. hehehehe I have $100 in cart at and a few things sitting in both Amazon and Runnerswarehouse carts. All waiting for me to put in credit card information :-) I figure I just may have a weak moment during the taper that I will just have to have this stuff! hehe Right now though it is just fun putting them in my cart.
I am enjoying the day off and will maxiumum the rest today. I have no inclination towards mileage withdraws right now which I am sure will come on sometime next week especially when the kids go back to school.
Oh I am really looking forward to gettting my hair done next week. The grow out is ridiclous. I figured that it didn't make sense to have it done when I was in high mileage because A) It is would be always be up in a ponytail or braid and a hat. B) Running without days off and doubles sort of made it defeating to try and do it up everyday so in the last few weeks I was just ponytailing it and covering the roots with a hat.
Now that I will have a few rest days, less mileage and than post marathon I will have 1-2 weeks off of running it makes sense to me. It just makes perfect timing to get them done now and they really need it. Anyway this is something I am really looking forward to next week.
I know boring topic but this how the taper goes, you try to distract yourself with stuff that is not running related :-) So my obessession over the next week will be my hair. Should I have them cut bangs or just leave them long, should go with low-lights as well as highlights just for the winter months, and should I have them leave the length or take a couple inches off??? Lots to consider :-) I find it best to occupy the mind with others things in the first & second week of the taper.

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