Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Turning an off day into an IT day!

From my previous post you probably saw how excited I was to run a key marathon workout. I was all prepared and ready to go this AM. I headed to the trail to start my warm-up and they best way to describe how I felt during my warm-up is - YUCK! I felt off!! I was burping up my coffee and breakfast & a sort of clammy icky feeling was coming over me the further I ran into my 2 warm-up. Blah! Not the feeling I had hoped for when I envision my fabulous run. After I warmed-up, I did my strides and pre-run stretches and still felt YUCK!!! Oh phoey. I don't why I felt this way this AM and can't pinpoint even looking back. I decided I needed to make it a mile by mile effort and maybe turn the workout into a 4X2 rather than the 2X4 if I couldn't hold pace past the 3 mile mark. Not at all ideal but better than bombing a workout and take my confidence down.
My first mile of 4 mile effort wasn't too bad. My body resisted running this pace at first but somewhere in first mile I relaxed and the legs started to really turnover with a rhythm that was somewhat disorienting. I knew I had to work to control the pace better so I keep trying to rein my legs in. I couldn't let myself burnt out in the first set of 4 miles. Finished feeling solid and look at my splits - NICE - 4 miles in exactly 30 minutes.
7:33, 7:27, 7:30, 7:28
Onto the second set, I knew I had to keep the same rhythm but had permission to let the dogs out a bit in this set if I felt good. Well I did and my legs were turning over nicely and I just let them go without trying to rein the effort in.
7:31, 7:26, 7:24, 7:20
I was super pleased as I heading into the workout I was a bit distressed but happy to know that I can pull off a great workout even when I don't feel in tip-top shape. Especially since the original goal range was 7:30-7:40 and did get permission from the coach to push the pace a bit in the second set.

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