Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week in Review

I was excited to write this post at the completion of my highest mileage ever. I feel great physically. Mentally good but I have been way absent-minded. I have been forgetting lots of stuff, losing my phone, my car keys and generally sort of disoriented. I will take it since everything else seems to be clicking.
After my week of lots of miles and no rest day and my unusually strong effort yesterday, I thought I would be sluggish in my long run today. Day was not panning out as I had hoped, Kim, was suppose hang with me for a good portion of my early miles so I would have some company. She messaged me early this AM and let me know that one her kids was sick and wheezing. She had to spend a good part of the morning at the urgent care with him. Poor guy!
Knowing I had to go solo, I headed out the door to drive to McMullen. This really is the best place to get a long run in as you can loop and get water and restroom if need be and don't have to be on the road. Anyway I started off a tad sluggish but not too bad and at mile 3 into my run, I see a familiar figure on the trail. Woo hoo! It is my friend Stase, he is 10 miles into his 20 miler. He is a 3:00-3:10 marathon guy. I thought maybe I would hang with him for a few miles as he had 10 more and I have umh..16. It would to break it up to have some conservation going for a little bit anyways. Well we are running like 7:40s and chatting and I was like "whoa nelly" this is too fast for my long run but was surprised how easy I was able to chat and run at this pace. Stase didn't mind hanging back with me for a few miles so we slowed down to the 8:30s. It was nice as I was chatting his ears off and I didn't even realize he was struggling. We had 2 more miles till the completion of his 20 and he was becoming increasing quiet so I keep up the incessant chatting to help take his mind of the last 2 miles. His ITband was starting to bother him and he was feeling light headed as he didn't fuel well. We parted at his 20 mile and I had only 6 miles to run on my own. I thought I would fade after I left him. A couple of miles I did get a little slower but I wanted to get it done so I latched onto to another fellow on the trail that was moving at a good clip. Chatted with him for 2 miles and than I had to turn around for my last mile. Woo hoo! Easy 18 @ 8:46 average - Nice way to end the week.
Week in Review
M - 6 Easy
T - 8 Easy
W - 11 Progression Run
T - 8 Easy & Strides
F - 10 Moderate
S - 10 w/ 8 @MP
S - 18 Easy
Total Miles - 71

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