Saturday, January 28, 2012

2 Hard Weeks

This has been 2 of the hardest weeks of my training cycle. Who knew taking rest seriously was going to be such a struggle mentally, physically and emotionally. By mid-week this week I felt like I was in the fits of a withdraw. Tough stuff..Poor Nick was taking cover!!! WTF is going on - she isn't even near her period. HA!! That is true love for you to weather my recovery cycle smiling. I am sure he was planning an move to another country until I started training again.

I get to run 6 miles today in this sunny beautiful weather!!! I am very excited to step out the door in a few minutes to enjoy my body and the weather.

My coach truly believes in FULL recovery before you start running again post marathon. It is very tough but I am truly trust him so I go with it. I have been watching another runner post-Houston progress via her blog and she ran 10 miles today and was sore and tired. Last week she did 30 miles..I believe this would have Jeff squirming and highly irritated if I did something like that. He wants me 100% recovered so I handle the high volume and intensity coming in a couple weeks. So sometimes taking the long term view of something is better the gratification of having something right here and now. I keep looking at my training in 2 weeks with excitement to tackle those workouts and mileage. I think in the same way someone would anticpate a planned vacation and looking at their dream location weeks ahead to remind themselves that a vacation is coming that is how I am viewing my weeks ahead.

So Jeff did send me a message mid-week - Reminder to Stay Patient!!! I was starting to plot runs in my head that he would not have to know about :-) HA! It was a good reminder :-) Patience just a hard trait to practice. There were no unplanned sneaky runs after that reminder.

Benjamin Franklin said: "He that can have Patience, can have what he will".

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