Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Back in the Groove

WOW! How good does it feel to be back in the groove of training. Even with the miles so low it is the routine of getting back out there that is soothing to my soul. For the rest of the week, I even got a few miles tacked on by Jeff due to my amazing recovery :-) Well I think anyone would be recovered from 2 relatively down weeks. But hey, I am not complaining, I feel great and mental jazzed about the extra miles this week. He added one more day of running and extended my long run by 2 miles. Yeah baby!!

Today I had amazing 6 miler with strides. The 6 miles felt amazing although a bit sluggish at first I think due to the head cold I have right now which makes breathing sort of difficult. After the first mile trying to get the breathing down and the body relaxed the pace eased down nicely. Wow though the run helped clear my head and sinus. I had enough time to get my warm-up routine down and cool-down with post run stretch got done as well. Back to making sure the little things don't lost in the shuffle.

I registered today for Grandma's!! That felt really good to do. Feels right! Today was the last day before rates got jacked up again so I took the plung. So including this week - it is 20 weeks away!

Here is the journey! Excited to see where these next 20 weeks take me!! I pray that God contiunes to protect my path.

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