Sunday, January 22, 2012


Well recovery weeks are very hard! They are the hardest part of training is honoring a recovery cycle. I finally got to run yesterday with a short & easy run. I felt so good and lots of energy and legs felt better than every. One of my calf muscles were a bit tighter but that is what the run for for to figure what needs some attention so that I give it some TLC and when my 3 weeks of recovery are up, all muscles will be healed and I will be stronger than ever.

Still waffling about my June marathon plans. I just realized that we have 7 day cruise in May that will definitely cause an issue with training. Even if we schedule it a cutback week to correspond with the cruise. I would likely to put in 50+ miles on the cruise treadmill which I think would ultimately take away from the experience. But not ruling out...The other option is to work on the half in the next 6 months and than come back at the marathon training late summer.

Anyway the inspiration title came from spending the even at a Charlotte Running Club social. What I love about this group of runners is that they truly love the sport of running and are as passionate as I am about running. It is so exciting to be in a group of runners that all share this passion. No one is trying one up another run for ego sake. These runners are trying to elevate each other up. Congratulating and supporting each other. We had 2 OT runners there last night whom are just amazing women. One had a great race and one run had the race runners dread (tummy issues). The amazing camdereie displayed for both of these runners was touching. Most runners have experienced both at one point in their running history. And runners that truly love running and understand the highs and lows of this sometimes cruel sport.

I also got to meet another SAHM mom runner within the group. Now I think that makes 2 of us!! It is funny as her and I would often pass each other at McMullen between the hours of 9AM & noon during the week. We'd wave and smile but until last night we didn't realize we were connect by the CRC. She is training for Myrtle Beach Marathon and looking to go sub-3 hrs! She is so inspiring and very excited to see how she does in the coming weeks. It was so neat listening to her running story as she had been running 20 minute 5Ks since college but had no formal training. She would just run a lot and would run hard for fitness. Once she actually started training and added easy running in than she started to blossom and ran a 1:26 Half. And now is looking to a sub-3 hr marathon! Of course she has a great coach and has been running in the 70s for a which is the key to her success. She has been working very hard for this...Anyway I am inspired by her story and neat that our lives are so similar. And now I will get to have some company during the day on my runs sometimes during the week!! Woo Hoo...

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