Wednesday, February 8, 2012

First Workout Back - Success!

Today was amazing. I felt good from the start. The workout was 2 mile w/u, 6 X 3 Minutes @ 5K pace with 2 minute recovery jogs, 2 mile c/d. I hit the first 3 minuter feeling fresh and had to hold back from dropping in the 6:30s. And by the last 2 the legs were turning so I let them go a little bit.

Here is how it went down split wise - 6:45, 6:45, 6:45, 6:45, 6:38, 6:38 - Strong and consistent!

Feels way awesome to be back at it. Funny how 6 months ago I dreaded work like :-)

Rest of the week are easy miles. So that was the most I get to stretch my legs for a week.

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