Monday, March 5, 2012

5 days in a role of Running - Life is Good

I am steady returning to running form over the course of the past 5 days. I had a successful 8 miler with Kim on Sunday. We woke up early and trekked to our favorite trail. Very beautiful morning with great company! I had slight pain in the initial mile which sort of faded sometime during the run. Big thing is that the foot is working properly. Yeah!

Today I had 5 miles and official back to training this week. My coach gave me a very conservative schedule for this week with the hopes of the patience paying off. And after this week of being careful all will be well and I can run Tobacco Rd Half - March 18th. 2 weeks!!

Coach and me made a big decision this weekend too. No Spring/Summer marathon. Bye-Bye Grandmas..This week off and subsequent weeks trying to get back did set me back a tad more than I would want to admit. Additionally the spring is just so dang busy with spring break, birthdays, spring sports, dance & dance recitals, our 7 day cruise and ya-da, ya-da, ya-da get the drift. Life just forced me to prioritize and to be honest I wasn't exactly fired up to return to long runs. 16 milers are one thing but 22 miler those are beasts - yeah, those can wait till the Fall.

After nailing some things down and realigning goals for 2012, I feel very optimistic about the future.

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