Friday, March 23, 2012

Getting Back at it

This week has been and up & down again which I have come to just think is part of the process of getting back at it.

Some days the run goes off without a hitch and some days that calf tightness creeps back in for a few miles. I think the uncertainty of it is what is the most difficult part of the process. I ask myself and god - I am doing the right thing by running on it when it is questionable. Am I doing enough stretching, icing and therapy or too much? I do know that everything will work out as it suppose so that brings me peace when a run doesn't go as hoped or I am uncertain about the state of the body. I may not know what tomorrow holds but I am certain that is part of the journey to reaching my dreams.

Faith means living with uncertainty - feeling your way through life, letting your heart guide you like a lantern in the dark.
Dan Millman

For those of not in the South or Southeast, count your blessings to be enjoying milder running temps. We hit summer hard already. The temps have been in the 80s and humidity has come along with the temps which makes for some brutal running weather especially since just the week before I was running my long run on a frigid 35 degree morning. Shocking to the system....

Today I had a 11 mile Progression Run. When I started my run it was already 72 @ 9:30AM. UGH! I have no idea that the temps would steadily increase to 80 degrees by my finishing time. I hit mile 7 of the progression run and I was struggling. Breathing out of control, tummy aching, I felt like I want to puke and my increased heart rate. I needed to shut it down or possibly suffer heat stroke. I ran it in easy. Not at all ideal but I figured I would end up on a stretcher if I tried to continue at that pace. C'est la vie! At least the miles got done and at this point in regaining fitness that is the most important.

Calf was tight on & off for mile 1-3 but eased up in later miles. Weird how that keeps happening like that.

This weather is going to make me turn to the treadmill for workouts as I do not want to be shutting down runs left and right due to heat & air quality. And it will just get hotter from here...This is why I love training for a January Marathon. You get to take advantage of all the perfect & amazing running weather here in Charlotte in October, November & December.

Okay I think I am going to pick the Disney Marathon for my January Marathon!!! Yippee!!!

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