Friday, March 2, 2012

Chin UP Butter Cup

Life is so very funny! This time last week I was mentally preparing myself to a weekened of cross-training. Than on Monday news came that it might be much longer till I ran again due to the tissue swelling.

Yesterday I am excited to report I ran a total 2 miles pain-free. I am hoping to run 4 miles tomorrow :-) I did notice the swelling & achy a bit today so with some more icing and sticking it should be good for tomorrow.

Oh I just had to tell everyone about my PT appt. We are going to work on some QL issues I have had from quite sometime. I thought I better get on top it because I do not want it to be an issue down the road. Anyway the PT was receiving my intake form asked & about what I did for a living or rather he asked me if I worked - my response was "I work at being Awesome:-)". hehe

Anyway I am hoping that I can still get a little more healed up and be ready to run my Half in 2 weeks. Motto for this past week and coming week - Chin Up Butter Cup

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