Thursday, March 29, 2012

One of my favorite places to run - Riverwalk

Today was so nice. I decided to run later than usual as it was the first AM all week that I didn't have to rush out the doors on the heels of my kids departure to school. I didn't have PT, afternoon commitments or a workout that require the cooler temps of the AM. It was nice not rush out the door. AH! I enjoyed a couple cups of coffee, got some laundry in, clear off counters and eased into the day. By 10AM, I knew it was heating up outside but didn't feel in a rush to beat the heat as it was already in full effect so I did a few more emails, household stuff, mixed my drinks ups and got dressed. I decided to take my easy 8 miles to Riverwalk to get some shade as the temps were already 77 at 10:30AM. Oh dear! On my way to the trail, I just had a feeling that it wasn't going to be a sweatfest or end in a miserable run. I was going to enjoy this run despite the rising temps.

True to my thoughts it was actually a really nice run! Thankful for the shade and the wildlife company provided by Riverwalk. It was quite pleasant. I think most runners are like me and truly enjoy nature so to hear birds chipping, watch butterflies flying and lizards scurrying underfeet that is bliss! And by the water there was a cooling breeze that helped keep me cool. And I wasn't wheezing!!

Easy, Breezy, Beautiful 8 miles done.

I love you Riverwalk!!!

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