Saturday, April 28, 2012

Heat, Humidity & Hills

Oh no the dreaded 3 H's is what was on plate for me at this AMs race.

All week I cautiously and optimticsally checked the weather for this race. Mid-week I starting noticing that Columbia was about 10 degrees warmer than Charlotte and it looked like it was going to be a warm weekend in the Carolinas. I decided I would not focus on this element. It was going to be what it was going to be and no amount of fretting is going to change the weather.

When I jumped into the car for my 1 hour & 20 minute drive south, my car temp read a nice 61 degrees. Okay not bad..than as I drove south that temp steady increased 61, 62, 68 and when I pulled into the lot it was 70. Not too mention the fact the as I approached Columbia fog-like humidity cloud blanketed the highway. I resisted the urge to check weather on my phone for the humidity % and dew point reading as knowing the exact number was only going hurt my mental attitude. Can not control the weather..just have to do my best in the conditions. Tried like hell to shut out all those negative thoughts when I sweating profusely and wheezing during my warm-up.

Go to the start-line and watched a group of 5-6 elite runners doing there final strides. Lots of fast ladies there competing for $500 cash prize for top runner. Among these women was my Charlotte favorite gal, Caitlan looking to take first place for the second year in a role. We exchange quick well wishes where she gave me heads on mile 3 which she said was all up hill and a tip on getting me some chocolate covered strawberries at the finish.

And we are off..tons of gals jet out a head of me hitting 6:30s..I quickly pulled back not to carried away. Hitting the first mile at 7:10 and relaxing. Phewy..not bad I am still breathing and feel comfortable. Than somewhere after mile 2 I start to feel a slight decline/downhill so I let my legs go a bit hitting mile 2 @ 6:53 than BAMB starts that fricking climb that Caitlin had said something to me about. Mile 3 all up hill...Love - NOT!! I climb that up hill catching all those gals who went out too fast in the first mile. I guess mile 3 was a surprise to them too. I hit mile 3 @ 7:30 only to have to keep climbing for another .20 and finally crest this mofo and try to recover but there are a few rollers in mile 4 so I manage a 7:20 and feel like I am recovering a bit and just opening it up a bit in the last mile finishing last mile @6:58 and the final .15 in a smashing 5:14 pace. Yeah! My kick was in tack. Too bad I didn't have anyone to pass in that final stretch.

Final time was 36:37 which was good for #17 overall. Too bad it was not fast enough for an age group place and there were some smokin fast 35-39ers.

5.15 miles @ 36:37 - average 7:06 pace

What I took from this race! DO NOT focus on things you can not control..Let go and let GOD take care of the details. Just run your race and keep your chin up!!!

I did check weather after I finished - 70 degrees, 88 % humidity and dew point of 67. Now that is finishing full of awesome.

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