Thursday, April 12, 2012

Speed Bumps

During my 10 mile easy run yesterday, I had big mental breakthrough as I was considering my path over the past 2-3 months. In a way I feel like I let myself sort be a whiner. As much as I had gratitude for being back to running health and to be training again. I was still internalizing the lack of progress which was only in my head. I realized what was causing this stopping point in my head. I felt some sadness that I was not able to use my post-marathon fitness to get a nice shiny half marathon PR from all those marathon miles. Some marathoners are able to capitalize on their marathon training and run a pretty decent PR within a few weeks post marathon. I think I allowed myself to become frustrated by not being able to use my fitness in the half.

Once I realized what was causing this issue, I got to work in my head resolving this internal conflict. I am a firm bleiever that everything good or bad happens for a reason which will promote you to further to your dream but you have to see it first, understand and allow it to work for you.

I know can see that this was a speed bump put in my path not to deter me, stop me or get in my way but to utlimately set me up for a bigger success down the road. I know on a logical level the fitness has not gone away but is being banked along with every deposit I make everyday.

Another thing that occurred to while running yesterday that is I will often remind myself when something frustrates me is I will say to myself - "your dream is on it ways" which will make me relax. Well I realized that my dream is not on its ways, it is happening here and now in every moment of everyday. The climb is part of the dream. I have been given the dream in my heart, the tools, the opportunity and support to see it though so the dream is here and now.

Today I celebrate my speed bumps because they are just as important as the straight path to success.

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