Sunday, May 20, 2012

Its coming along, maybe?

I feel like the weeks and weeks of grinding out the miles without expectations are starting to pay off. I am feeling really strong and killed my long run today which makes me so happy and relieved.
This is what I told myself to get though this weekend :-) I had a hectic weekend on tap with Dance Recitals and Baseball Touraments games coupled with a good amount of running. I was trying not to worry that it would all get in and I won't miss a beat. Phewy! I made it though and even managed to enjoy myself without "losing my shit". Again most of this is due to the patience of my husband who made the weekend flow smoothly and even managed not to "lose his shit" with me when I become a flazzed a couple of times. Last night after a day of running, dance rehearsal, 2 baseball games, and Recital #1, I was starting to become a bit unglued as we had NOTHING in the house for dinner. I was going to make a pasta meal that was pre-made & frozen. I took it out and it was freezer burned. I needed thoses carbs and I was fearing that I would being eating toast for dinner. For the kids just made them a cheese quesadilla but I couldn't possbily be enough for my next day of running. My husband quickly offered a drive to Red Bowl to pick us up some dinner. He is a saint because it was already well past 8PM and his day was just as hectic as mine minus to early wake-up for some miles but still he had been running around all day too. I quickly too him up on his offer order my favorite Hibachi Steak with 2 servings of fried rice. We arrived back with food in hand and he and I enjoyed a great meal and I could be sure that I was well-fueled for todays 16 miler. Much Gracias to my husband because I had an amazing 16 miler. Schedule read - 16 miles with miles 12-15 (7:25 or faster) This is how it went down miles 1-12 @ 8:45 and than miles 12-15 - 7:22, 7:14, 6:55 It really must have been the lower humidity that we had this AM cause I felt super strong and legs felt like they could go forever. I was super surprised that in that last mile I was running sub-7 with relative ease. This was mile 15 of a long run in a 76 mile week. Hello its coming along.... Btw - still haven't figured out this new format stuff on the posting side. I am thinking that I may switch my blog to another provider as this is not user-friendly.

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