Thursday, June 21, 2012

Getting Shit Done

Wow! It has been while since I have written something in this blog. I do feel a sense of loss about not blogging about my training but I think my mind and life has been so full that blogging has taken a back burner.

Training has had its ups and down over the course of the past couple of weeks. I am very grateful to be training consistently but it has not been easy. Lots of juggling and sitting tired in the AMs when preparing for my run thinking I am doing the right thing and coaxing myself to get out the door. Balancing the kids at home and getting my workload is testing me and my commitment add the heat and I am doing lots of praying for guidance and strength. My mileage and intensity is double what I was doing last summer. Recently, I compared my training schedule from last summer to this summer and it was shocking to see the progression in not only weekly mileage but paces & volume of workload.

I am proud of myself for getting shit done this summer :-) For instance, yesterday morning did not permit me to get out early before my husband left for work so I had to wait to get my daughter and son to camp and than run the workout at the treadmill at the Y. I had just enough time to get the warm-up & workout in but not enough to get the cool-down run in before to grab my son from baseball camp. I jetted to the althetic fields 10 minutes away to grab him and realized I could do the cool-down at the fields. So I told Christian to run 2 miles with me and he agreed. He would run one lap, rest and watch me and than catch me on the next lap. Awesome - post-run stretch in and we were off to grab Joey at her camp. Felt like an accomplished Mom on this morning!

So getting creative has allowed me to get my runs in when 3 weeks ago I was anxious about how I was going to train at the level I had been training before school got out.

I have been pondering my Fall/Winter marathon plans. I think I am reconsidering my plans and may have a new marathon picked out. California International Marathon is being highly considered over Disney Marathon. Something is tugging my heart & mind on that one. It keeps coming up and coming back to me. Like it is tapping me on the shoulder! The other option is a local marathon in January - Charleston. I believe the ultimate call is going to be left up to coach and what he thinks is best.

I will add my last week in review in this post -

Pretty proud to get though this week with 2 sick kids in which I managed to get both of their illnesses. Most all of these miles were accomplished while having a sore throat virus and than an upper resipratory virus. I had hoped to hit those MP miles much harder in the long run - target was 7:10 but alas my lungs did want to participate in that endeavor.

Monday (AM) 7 easy (PM) 4 easy
Tuesday - 3 mile w/u, 4 X (600, 400, 200), 2 c/d
Wednesday - 6 Recovery
Thursday - (AM) 10 Miles easy (PM) 4 Miles
Friday - 3 mile w/u, 1 mile @ 6:45, 3X150, 6X100, 3X200, 1 mile@ 7:00, 1 @ 6:55, 2 mile C/D
Saturday - 6 miles easy
Sunday - 16 miles miles 12-15 @ 7:26 average

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