Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week in Review

Officially the hottest and swampiest week thus far here in South Carolina! I am fairing better than I thought. I think what has really helped keep me tough through it has some awesome running company in the past week. I got to run with a dear friend and lots of new running friends. I usually am fine training alone but I have really needed the company and friendship to help grind out these miles is these adverse weather conditions. I actually read the humidity is the poor man's or lowlanders subsitute for alitude training. I am banking on that so when fall weather arrives, I suddenly feel like superwoman.

Monday (AM) 6 easy (PM) 4 easy
Tuesday 8 easy
Wednesday 3 w/u, 1 mile @ 6:30, 1000 @ 3:55, 800 @ 3:00, 600@ 2:10, 400 @ 1:25, 2 C/D
Thursday (AM) 10 easy (PM) 4 Easy
Friday 6 Easy & Strides
Saturday (AM) 2 w/u, 5K race, 1 C/D (PM) 6 Recovery
Sunday 14 easy (Soupy & Swampy)

Total = 71 Miles

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