Tuesday, July 24, 2012

One Final Push

11 days to be exact...Will finish off a 10 week training segment where I averaged between 60-72 mpw. Than I get a 2 week regeneration break. The first week of the regeneration period will take me down to 38 miles and slowly over 3 weeks bring me back up 70 mpw. This should give me a renewed season of go-get'ems for my marathon training segment.

I am very excited and feel blessed because the first week of my regeneration period coincides with our vacation. We are going on a Disney Cruise to Grand Cayman, Costa Maya, and Cozumel.

This light of the end of tunnel is giving me lots of end game motivation to finish off this segment well.

I am tired and having been longing for a break especially with the weather conditions. In a way, I feel like I can hang on for this final push. It sort like when you are running maybe a long run or medium long run and you really want to stop but you start bargaining with yourself to go one more mile and a than you get there and you say to yourself okay one more mile and than bamb you finished the entire thing but you did it by just getting the mile your in done. That is how I am going to do these last 11 days, just focus on finishing the miles I have on each day.


  1. Hi! Great site! I'm trying to find an email address to contact you on to ask if you would please consider adding a link to my website. I'd really appreciate if you could email me back.

    Thanks and have a great day!

    1. I am sorry there is no email attached to this message. I can be emailed @ sunny2runner@gmail.com. I am sorry I do not to links. I just use this blog to communication with family & friends. My best, Jamie
