Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week In Review

The week I got over it!

Beginning of the week, I had strange nig in my leg that caused me to take an extra day off over last weekend. It was iffy on Monday but with some good therapy it was all but good on Tuesday. Contiuned all week with stretching the glute and hamstring. Did miss out on a 20 X400 workout because of iffy glute & hamstring thing but it is better to run easy and not be injured.

The heat wave contiuned and keep fighting through it.

The results of week

Monday - 8 Easy
Tuesday - 9 Easy (AM) 3 Easy (PM)
Wednesday 9 Rasy
Thursday - 8 Easy (AM) 4 Easy (PM)
Friday - 3.5 W/U , 1 mile of sprint work, 3.5 C/D
Saturday - 9 Easy
Sunday - 2 W/U, 8 mile @ 7:30, 2 C/D

Miles = 70

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