Monday, August 20, 2012

And so it ends and something new begins....

Just 2 days until my kids go back to school! Honestly I never thought this summer would come to a close. It was an up and down summer. Harder than years past with the extreme heat that most of the Central & Southest states hs to endure this summer. Kids were good but struggled a bit with keeping them off the TV & Xbox too much.

I am happy to leave this summer behind me and look forward to this fall. So many things to love about Fall. I actually love the routine of life during the school year. The break in weather, runs in cooler temps, my sons baseball games, really everything about Fall is delightful. It is my favorite season.

We have already seen some dips in temps but humidity is still holding steady but I won't complain as my easy 6 this AM felt more pleasant than runs just 2 weeks ago where 6 miles felt like 12 miles.

Anyway I am just happy with the change occuring this week and proud of myself for keeping it together for the most part this summer. Just maybe in the next 2 months all my hard week over the past 10-12 weeks will come through. I will be a better position in the fall this year given the hard work I did this summer.

There are brighter days ahead!!!

1 comment:

  1. I just wrote a similar post about summer ending, getting back into routines, etc. I live in Portland, Oregon, and we didn't have the crazy heat wave that the rest of the country had this summer. Even when I did live on the east coast, I never really could get used to it.

    Here's to some beautiful Fall running weather!!

