Saturday, August 25, 2012

Celebrate the Run

Had a amazing marathon pace run this morning. The last 6-8 weeks of enduring the heat, I was rewarded with a nice 65 degree morning which renewed my faith that I still have it and what is waiting to come out is even better than I thought.

I will admit I was nervous as it is the first MP run I have attempted outside in 6 weeks. I have done one other run of this quality a few weeks back before my cruise and it was on the treadmill. So uncetainty of how I would do was looming in the back of my head but I also was excited to run on this beautiful AM.

I really played it conservative in the first 5 miles as I didn't want to push beyond the comfortably hard place. I needed to just settle in and focus on the pace that didn't make me feeling like I was reaching but also a pace where I had to focus at the same time. One time I left my mind drift off and found myself 10 seconds off pace so it was a reminder while the pace should not feel like a tempo effort I still needed to keep my mind in it.

I will say that it tough to keep your mind focused on pace for that long and it is one of the things that is going to be developed over the next 16-18 weeks. Ability to keep the mind on task as the mind will give up before the body ever does.

By mile 5, I felt comfortable enough to let the pace go and pushed on the last mile but nothing that felt like a huge effort so it was nice to see the final mile being 6:59.

1 Mile W/U
7:34, 7:35, 7:31, 7:30, 7:31, 7:20, 7:19, 6:59 - 7:25 average
1 mile C/D

I excited to have finally hit a pace run again and know that best is yet to come. I am going to enjoy the jounrey over the next 16-18 weeks knowing that staying in faith and planting good seeds over the past 3-5 months are going to reap a great harvest this fall.

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