Tuesday, August 14, 2012

From 0 to 55

Well not quite 0 but the least I have run since my recovery cycle last Janruary. And this was self-imposed break and coach supported.

After weeks and weeks of trying to kept my wits about me in tough weather conditions, I finally came to a screeing halt about 12 days ago. Just 2 days before I was to leave for my family vacation, I hit the mental & phyiscal wall and I had enough like the Pink song Blow Me - I want to yell & scream - I think I had enough - just when it couldn't get worse I had shit day(run). I was suppose to do 14 miles on a Thursday AM. I woke super early to hit the trails with a running partner. When I arrived she was not there so I waited with some dynamic stretches and warm-up. Mine you it is already near 80 and dewpoint well over the 70 mark. I finally started out along thinking & hoping when I double backed on the trail, I would catch her. First few miles were tough but I was hanging on and I turned back and came across her. She was struggling herself and soon as we hit the half way point 3 miles for her and 5 for me. She said sorry there is no way she could run more in these conditions. I left her and attempted to contiune on myself which by mile 6 I was dying and my hamstring & glute were killing me. Frick, Frick, Frick!!! I finished up 8.5 miles - my thoughts were no need to kill myself trying to run in these conditions and end of with an injury from my form falling apart to due dehydration and fatigue. Not worth it!!!

Shortly after my run, I had my ART Therapist work out the kinks. He told me that he would like me to take 1-3 days off. That was the final straw! I was like I am just fricking go to take my vacation off of NO running!! I needed a break mentalyl & phyiscally! Spoke to my coach and he was onboard and super supportive. Thought it made a lot of sense and no better time to take some downtime after completely a tough training block and going into marathon training. Goal was to get refreshed, renewed and recharged!!

Felt super wierd and off the first couple of days, so I gave in enjoyed an awesome hour run on the deck of the cruise ship. I just want for an hour at an easy pace - no idea of distance or pace. And than I did a mini-workout on the treadmill on day but in the 7 days I rested 5 days and came back itching to resume hard training. Mission accomplished - eagerness attained! I realized that if you train hard, you have to rest hard sometimes too. Sometimes less is more and this was exactly I needed. I am so happy that I honored that inner voice that keep saying rest, rest, rest!

I shall spend the rest of the week ramping back up and getting back to my normal mileage level in prep for my marathon training. This week is 55 and next week 70!!

And I so excited to have come back to better weather!!! I ran this AM and it was only 66 degrees. OMFG!!! Fall is right around the corner.

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