Monday, September 17, 2012

How I fuel!

If you have been reading long enough, you might know about my struggle with getting in enough calories to support my running. I really have had struggled on & off especially when I am running high miles as I just don't get hungry and I am not a big sweet eater in the first place. I am not a gal that ever was a big eater and hours can go by without hunger so I have to be super gdiligent about fueling all day and getting the right kind of calories.

These are a couple items that have been helping.

The Perpetuem is crazy awesome!! It has 300 calories & 54 grams of carbohyrdates in one serving. What I have been doing, is making a drink first thing when I wake in the AM and drinking it before I do anything. That helps me kick start my metabolism and get some good carbs in. Than I get the kids ready for school and out the door and than eat breakfast & coffee.

The Accelerade that I use as both a sports drink and a recovery drink as it has a 4:1 carb to protein ratio. I really like the taste and tastes better and sits in my tummy better than gatorade.

Whey Protein that I mix with milk at night before bed. A high protein snack helps preserve lean muscle max and help with a good nights sleep.

These all boost my daily calorie intake by about 800-1000 calories. If I run between 70-80 miles a week that is about 8000 calories plus all the stretching,strengthening and core work requires that I am taking in enough calories for those activities. And if you are a mom, you know we rarely sit down during the day so I need calories to stay on top kids and household activities.

So if my daily calorie expenditure is the realm of 2500-4500 a day. I need to be eating and supplementing extra calories from different sources.

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