Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week in Review

Good week mixed with some awesome workouts and tough weekend of running in the hottest & most humid temps thus far but very happy to hit the mileage for the week. I keep reminding myself that this mileage is going to pay off when the temps come down. I try like hell to keep my chin up when the weather conditions make me feel out of shape.

Monday (AM)8 easy (PM) 4 easy + Core
Tuesday 2 W/U, 4 X 1.5 miles @ 6:58, 6:58, 6:55, 6:50, 2 C/D
Wednesday 6 Recovery
Thursday 8 Easy
Friday 2 W/U, 2 X 3 @ 6:58, C/D + Strength Training
Saturday (AM)7 Recovery (PM) 3 Recovery
Sunday 14 Easy

Mileage Total - 70

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