Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Non-Running Goals

"To live a life of freedom, abundance, creativity, love, and peace. When enough of us begin to live lives of self-responsibility, non-judgment, compassion, and honor, we will rise above old societal beliefs." - Unknown

I think part of growing both in the sport of running but as a women and citizen of the world it is important that I have goals that are not running related.

For me what I am working on in my heart is letting go of judgment of myself or others, to give love freely no matter the person that is brought on my path to love, remembering to be compassionate for everyone is struggling, to be in place where I emphasize gratitude in my daily life for all the adundance of health, friendship, love, wealth that flows into my life.

We have so much more adundance in our lives than we actually acknownledge on a daily basis but when you take a moment to think about what is already there in your life you realize that it is enough :-)

Much love to you all.

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