Friday, October 26, 2012

Up and At'em

Well I have taken most of the week to rest up and get my legs back and nursing a sore medial shin that started up just week before the race. I ran through it and it was mostly fine during the race but we wanted to give it time to heal up before I started hitting it hard from my marathon training cycle.

Today I will be going to run 4-6 miles on the AlterG to get some blood flow to my legs without the impact stress on the shin to allow for more healing and than fingers-crossed I can get to marathon training next week. Although a strength training session on Thursday has made my legs all sore and wobbley. I hoping they feel great moving.

That's the plan. I am feeling rested phyiscally and mentally so happy to have had this mini break to gather my witts and regroup for the next 12 weeks.

Good week and Looking forward to some awesome running coming up in my favorite months to run in November and December! Cool and crisp running weather!!!! YAY - Happy Dance.

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