Sunday, October 7, 2012

Week in Review & Detroit on the horizon

Ah Nice Down week to rejuvenate the legs and mind. I am itching to start putting some work this week. Big News - We have Fall weather!!!! It is a week into October and finally some decent running weather. Today was so nice 58 degrees and cloudy. It renewed my spirit to know that this week has temps like that for fingercrossed for the next 10 weeks of my training to Jacksonville.

What is closer on the horizon is Detroit Half Marathon. I am starting to get my head on straight for Detroit. My coach and I recently exchanged emails about my fitness going into Detroit. We are both hoping for 1:33-1:35 range but he is waiting to set a goal unto after this week as I have 2 big workouts this week that will gauge where I am at after the down week.

I sneaked a peak at the 14 day weather forecast today and temps look good - 40s for AM. Alas, anything can change in 14 days but I am hoping to run in the 40s with low humidity. I wonder what will feel like?? Even todays 58 degrees had a good 80% humidity so I am so giddy inside to breathe in low humidity.

Monday 6 easy + Strides
Tuesday OFF
Wednesday 2 W/U, 6X800 @ 6:10-6:22,1 C/D
Thursday 6 easy
Friday 8 easy + Strides
Saturday 12 easy
Sunday 8 easy + Strides

Total Miles - 46

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