Sunday, November 4, 2012

Its been weeks - Week in Review

WOW - All the topsy turvey of my life and training and finally back to regular training.

Had a great week back in training where most of the miles were put in on the AlterG treadmill to keep impact stress off of the medial part of shin while we were trying to figure out what was the cause of the pain. By Friday, I had therapy done on it several times and seen lots of progress and so decided to try out the AlterG for the long run. It wasn't so bad as I had lots of company at the PT clinic and the time seem to go by quickly especially when they put on Tosh Comedy Central show on the TV.

Anyway I finally tested out the leg today. I decide to head to the track for the soft surface and easy to pull the plug on the run if the leg wasn't good. I felt great and the run itself made me think "did someone slip some EPO in my dinner last night?" or is this what fresh legs feel like seriuosly without realizing it I was running easy between 8:15-8:30 with the first mile a bit slower. Than I had strides at the end the totally blew me out of the water. I went into them thinking I just wanted run them gently as I didn't want to force the legs to run fast. I did the first one pretty effortlessly and fluidly and shocked to see I hit 5:15 pace, than 4:49, 4:40, 4:34 pace. Okay yes these are just strides but the crazy thing is I was not pressing them and I felt they were effortless and mind you I have never done strides in the sub-5 range. So this is what fresh legs feel like - you can actually run fast!!! I must remember this because Jeff is not going to let me stay fresh for very long.

Monday (AM)8.5 easy AG (PM)4 easy AG
Tuesday (AM) 6 easy AG
Wednesday (AM) 8 easy AG
Thursday Core
Friday 16 easy AG
Saturday Power Yoga
Sunday 8 easy + Strides

Total - 50ish miles - Pretty please with my comeback week

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