Sunday, December 30, 2012

Post Vacation & Return to training - Week in Reveiw

So after I had almost an entire week of running well 5 days :-) after Kiawah. The first week back felt good - the shin was better than ever and I felt okay body-wise. Although my second run back was 6 miles and I felt like crap and struggled to run a 9 minute mile that day. I had a few runs and one short workout sprinkled in week 2 post marathon and this week the mileage workouts & long runs resumed.

I felt pretty good overall. Hard to get serious about training with the kiddos home and the holidays in the air. I was suppose to run on Christmas day but I really couldn't get myself to get out the door. So I stayed in watching Christmas movies, watching my kids play with toys, ate sugar cookies and lots of leftoer goodies from Christmas eve dinner. I figured Christmas Day was the day to relax and enjoy my family and I had plenty days to get after it so relax I did. Yes the week would have been over 70 if I had done that easy 6 miler on Christmas but I will take 66 for the week back.

Here is how the week played out mileage wise -

Monday - 14 easy
Tuesday - Off
Wednesday - 10 easy
Thursday - 8 Recovery + strides + core
Friday - 2 w/u, 2x3 miles, 2 c/d
Saturday - Power Yoga & 8 recovery
Sunday -16 easy @ 8:30 avg

Mileage - 66 miles

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