Sunday, January 6, 2013

A week of highs and lows - Week in Review

So happy to have made it through this week with a couple of wins. The week was rounded out with a 20 miler today. While going into this weekend, my coach told me to go into each run with the intention of running easy but if "in-run" I felt good go ahead and press. That is how today played out as well. I ran the 12 miles easy @ 8:45 average - never felt amazing but what was I suppose to felt like in a 70 mile week so I tested the waters with a couple MP miles knowing I was going to pull back and run in easy if I felt horrible. Never felt super amazing but my legs were turnover nicely and I just let me go even through my tummy wasn't feeling it and had that calmy sick feeling but I was able to just let the legs go and work through that other stuff by working on relaxing. Nailed 6 miles @ 7:21 average - 7:25, 7:25, 7:20, 7:23, 7:22, 7:13 and than cooled down with 2 easy miles to make 20 miles. Yay!

Monday 8 easy
Tuesday 10 easy
Wednesday 2 w/u & 3X2.5 & 1 c/d
Thursday 6 Recovery
Friday 10 Recovery
Saturday 10 with 8 @ steady pace
Sunday 20 with 6 @MP or faster

Mileage Week Total - 74 miles

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