Friday, January 11, 2013

JER 29:11

I have begin to truly to see that setbacks or obstacles aren't really meant to stop you but they are TESTS and SOUL & MIND STRENGTHERS! I recently came across this Zen Budhhist quote that resonated with me and has been sitting with me ever since.

The Obstacle is the Path!
How delicious is that!!! OMG for me it was eye opening and meant so much and provided clarity to my current direction on my path. I was sharing with my PT about how much I love this quote and what it meant and he said so you want to go down the path with more obstacles? My response was "Yes, it is the road less taken" and to which he responded "okay, Robert Frost". heheheh Anyway but it really highlighted for why people in general do not take the road less taken and really it is mostly that it is lined with obstacles and soul stretchers! This path forces you to hurt and be uncomfortable but those are the exact things that make you stronger and that is the stuff of greatness! No success story is every about someone who had it easy or about someone taking the logical and known quantity! Success comes about from going into the unknown with the belief that something in you is greater than your current circumstances say is possible! Success comes from the willingness to go through some things that may knock you down so you can pick yourself up stronger, it comes from great hurt so that you can become more compassionate, gratitude and understanding of the gifts that are going to bestowed upon you! The path less taken is the one that has you reaching your potential.
Last night as I was taking a hot relaxing bath before bed, I looked up to a sign I have had hanging in my bathroom. It has been there as wall art for 4 years as I loved the quote but last night I realized the depth of its meaning.
Go confidently, in the direction of your dream.
I realized the going down the path of your dreams you have obstacles to overcome but have confidence that you will overcome and that your dream is divine in nature and God will always be there along the way even when circumstances may appear otherwise. Have confidence and Faith that you are on the right path! God is using everything to prosper you!! Stay in Faith!!
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29:11

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