Monday, January 28, 2013

Let the Good Times Roll

Trust the process.    Btw, someone copied my homemade "Let The Good Times Roll" font...
I will start with WOW that 22 miler at the end of 85 mile was a doozy! I think the biggest issue I had was I felt my energy stores were low as it wasn't as fast as I had hoped. I think my Garmin read average 8:50 overall but that takes in account that at mile 12, we stopped for our drinks and had wait on another runner to use bathroom so I think that was like 3 minute add on to that time as I didn't turn my garmin off during that time. I had hoped to keep it a more moderate pace long run rather than all easy but I was feeling it by mile 16 and my paced dipped all of sudden that was my slowest mile and after I stopped for my last water & gel, I was able to get back a decent pace but thoughts of shortening the run to 20 played in my head over and over again from 16 miles to 20 miles and than I was like what the heck "nothing hurts and you are still standing just finish it up" and that I did. I will say I have never been so hungry as after this run!!

I have one more week of big miles and than we are going to do a mini-taper for Myrtle Beach Marathon. At this point, I am  not racing it but using as another training run. I still have hope that the meds will have stabilized me by than I might be able to push it at MB. I have a short and moderate tempo scheduled for early next week to see how I handle it. So a good balance of hope and realism. I  will be ready emotionally to handle either outcome. And if MB ends up being just a training run, I will enjoy that as well as I would a race.  My family will be going for a mini-vaca and than onward to Boston! That will set me up well for 8 weeks of training for Boston and maybe I will be pushing it at Boston.

I am confident that I am on the right course and all is working for the good!

Let The Good Times Roll

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