Monday, January 21, 2013

Making a hard decision & Week in Review

I have been on the thyroid medication for over 2 weeks now and I think I am feeling it but I think that my body is trying to adjust cause I have not been able to run fast. Can not really describe the feeling of trying to run a faster pace which should come naturally but struggling and feeling very yucky while trying to do it. Early in the week, I attempted a tempo and had to shut it down as 7:25-7:30 which is my MP felt like I was trying to run 6:30pace. Than on Saturday where I ran a half in an attempt to run all the miles at marathon pace, I was starting to feel way bad around miles 4-6. Than by mile 8, I started feeling a weird, heart fluttering sensation that was accompanied with a feeling off like dizzy and calmly and a bout of nausea. I slowed down dramatically while trying not to panic. I worked to calm myself down and not let frustration set in. The pace went from 7:30s to 8:00s for a couple miles than I was able to collect myself and starting running in the 7:40s. Not what I had hoped to be able to run but I was defiant in my attitude that I will not let this be the end of my story and that with some patience and perseverance that All things are possible with Christ who strengthens me. I can honestly say that after this bout I was pissed off a bit but that anger just made me more resolved that I will not let this stop me and will continue to work to find a way to my dream.

After recapping with my coach about the weekend, he made the call to stop training especially until my body adjusts to the medication. At first, I felt like I was sucker punched when I had read that I was to stop training but knew after letting it sit that Jeff was making the right call.  The problem being is the heart can be very much in danger if the medication level is not right. Running hard puts me at risk for heart issues until my medication is exactly right. This process is a trial and error of finding the medication level & combinations that are right for my body. Too much medication can cause just as many issues as too little and it will take time for them to get me to the perfect level. So while I will not stop running, I will no longer be doing workouts and targeting races. This was a hard pill to swallow but the bright side is we are going to use this a traditional base building period and work to build my mileage up which will set me to get in great shape quick when my hormone level is balanced. 

I am excited to see how high I can build the mileage in the coming months :-) 

I have to know and quote my older sister when she comforted me with - All things work together for the good.

Sometime what we see as a setback or obstacle are just preparing the way to receive greater gifts.

Sometimes the right thing and the hardest are the same.     If it  isn't work,  if it isn't sacrificial,    if it doesn't hurt,    if it doesn't cost you something   if it's selfish at all   then it isn't love.    "No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends.".   ~ John 15:13   Always thankful...He is WORTHY to be trusted.

Week in Review

I took a day off mainly cause I was very tired and my legs felt thrashed mid-week plus I thought if I were a bit more rested than I might run well on the Saturday Half.

Monday 8 easy
Tuesday 10 easy
Wednesday 12 easy
Thursday Off
Friday 6 easy + Strides
Saturday 20 - 13 miles @ 7:50(Half)
Sunday  10 recovery

Total 66 miles
All things through Christ

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