Saturday, February 9, 2013

Looking ahead requires some looking back

Believe, obey & endure

Today as I have my morning coffee and walking around the house with no cough and no hip pain, I feel a quiet excitement starting to build in me. With Myrtle Beach Marathon next week and Boston just 8 weeks after that, I can't help be so happy and thankful that I am still standing after the storm that blew through in the fall.

I can not be certain of where my fitness is at the current moment but I just know there is some awesome fitness lying within. I believe in all the work I have done in the last 6-8 months. I believe in the effort I gave even when the paces times did not reflect the effort. I think  back to some really amazing workouts when my TSH level allowed for some of the hard work to shine through. In June when I ran the last 3 miles of a long run faster than any 5K I had ever ran, in July when I ran 6 mile repeats from 6:45 pace to 6:09 pace, in August when I ran a 8 mile tempo averaging 7:05, in September with 10X800 @ 6:20-6:30 pace, in November 20 miler averaging 8:20, In December a marathon with little training & TSH at 5.4 @ 3:37, in Janruray a 2x3 mile workout @7:03 average & 6:53 average  & 20 miler with last 6 averaging 7:23.

Taking stock of all my breakthroughs over the past year gives me the excitement that the fitness is there and nothing has been lost through the ups and downs of these past training months. I have worked my tail off really starting in March of last year when I started working towards a Fall marathon. My mileage started climbing in the 60/70 range and just when we thought I would start showing some signs of this hardwork in June, nothing really shined through in races and that in my opinion is when the thyroid must have started having problems but would silently wait to the fall to finally make a full scale appearance dashing my hopes for this fantastic fall.

With the Fall behind me, lots of miles in the bank, TSH stabilized and a stronger mind, I look towards the spring with a since of anticipatory excitement and tranquil peace. I am believing that all my dots are going to connect this spring & summer. I am believing that God is going to use my setbacks as set ups for far better things than I could imagined for the Fall. I am praying that God continues to work in my life for the highest good and that my eyes and heart remain open to the gifts that God is providing along the way on my blessed journey.

Shine on & Be Awesome~

Be strong and patient. Good things are ahead.. praying she will do this........

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