Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Not chasing a PR

Follow your heart and go for it!

I am not chasing PRs! I am chasing potential which I realize takes a lot more work and comes with a whole different set of circumstances.

But when you say to the world and God I am not stopping at good-  I am going to great! I am going after that dream that was put in my heart! God says oh okay in that case you are going to have to go through some things to make you stronger.

you will be tested,
you will need to grow emotionally & mentally,
you will need to risk,
you will need to work harder than you ever have before,
you will have to be patience,
you will have to wait longer (as my sister calls it long suffering),
you will have to fight fear & doubt,
you will have to love deeper,
you will have to contribute,
you will have to being will to hurt and renew hope with every hurt,
you will have to learn to surrender your will to the will of God
you will have to NEVER GIVE UP!

For me this journey is not about the next marathon race time but it is a journey to become everything God put in my heart to do! No turning back when it gets tough or when things appear on my journey that are difficult. Those things are part of my assignment! Overcoming is part of my assignment.

I have an end goal that I know is divine in nature and know that every single circumstance is preparing me for that the next step in the journey and the outcome that is already my predetermined. My assignment is to learn from the obstacles and overcome them.

For those that are certain of the outcome, can wait without anxiety! That is me living, learning, loving my way to the what God intended for my life.   .

Life's purpose

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