Friday, March 1, 2013

Endure What Needs Enduring



: to undergo (as a hardship) especially without giving in

: to remain firm under suffering or misfortune without yielding

: to regard with acceptance or tolerance

Believe. Obey. Endure

On Wednesday, I got the results of my recent blood test. It has been 7 weeks since I started synthroid (thyroid hormone) and I was anxious to see what the test read. I had been feeling increasingly fatigued and shorter runs were becoming more difficult and I have been having a hard to breathing in general (shortness of breath).  I spoke with the nurse on Wednesday afternoon, I knew I hadn't been feeling really good and when said told me my current TSH number. I was totally stunned. I am now .0069 which is VERY hyper. I did give me pause and a few tears poured as I relayed the results to my husband. 

Essentially my hormone level has swung from one side of the fence to other. I made the decision to stop taking the hormone till I get into an respect Endocrinologist in April. I am hoping my hormone level comes back up on its own. The hormone should be out of my system in 6 days and my body will hopefully bring me into a healthy range so that I can run again. I have stopped running all together due the hormone level causing my heart to be elevated which puts me in danger of causing cardiovascular damage till my TSH gets up to at least .25-.5 .. Healthy range would be .5-2.5 . 

I love running, I love chasing my dreams, I love sharing my gifts...I will continue to use this love to endure this trial. Endure what needs Enduring...

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. -1 Corinthians 13:7

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