Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Vlog Post - Boston Ya'll


I can not believe how close we are getting to Boston people!!! Feeling recovered from my long run on Sunday but going to take one more easy day today to be sure I am recovered and than try for a workout tomorrow which should seal the deal. I am planning on taking 4-5 days off completely next week which should help my thyroid get nice a stable after this last week of training and help me feel fresh. Plus it is spring break for the kids and I do not want to be stressed out about when I get my runs in so all and all I think this is a good plan. I know it is not typical to take so much time off during the taper but I really think it is going to the ticket to fresh legs and healthy & hormonally balanced body. It is funny the week before I ran Kiawah I think I had 63 miles on my legs and with Boston I will probably have in the 30-40 range. We shall see what works better for my body! The experiment of one continues...

I did a vlog yesterday - I didn't end needing the hat or long sleeves. ha

Have a good one ya'all!

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