Sunday, April 7, 2013

Taper Time - Week in Review

Appreciate what you have!

This picture just about sums up how I feel especially since just 5 weeks ago I was deep in synthroid overdose fog and the awake & alive were something I was praying for. The meaning of this is not lost on me as just driving to my run yesterday I was overcome with tears thinking that I was so thankful to be running but mostly thankful for being awake and alive knowing that I had angels by side.

This week went well. I worked out on Monday than took 3 days off of running to see how my body responded to the time off and was reward with an awesome 12 miler on Friday where I ran easily in 1:35. Than rounded out the weekend with some easy running. I am officially tapering now. Still have no taper madness or nervousness which is weird to me but I will take it. No complaining just interesting cause I am know to obsess over marathons in the past.  I think it is cause I am not so much focused on Boston but on my post-Boston plans which are totally exciting.

I am so thankful to be running again and feeling good while doing it. Just so happy!

Monday 2.5 W/U, 8X800, 2.5 C/D
Tuesday 1 hour Hike
Wednesday Yoga
Thursday Off
Friday 12 Steady State
Saturday 6 Recovery
Sunday 10 easy with 6 X 1 minute Hard effort in the middle of the run

Total miles - 37

Cherish those memories...

1 comment:

  1. Hope the rest of your taper goes well! Congrats on getting to where you are now.
