Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week in Review

keep moving forward

Back on the road this week and everyday finding my groove. New coach really pulled back my mileage for this training cycle. It made me nervous at first but I trust him wholeheartedly so I went with it. Run by run this past week I have felt better and really bought into his plan to getting me healthy. Plus as my body adjusts to new meds (hormones) it was not wise to throw me back into big miles and workouts so I really love his approach. The first 2 weeks back running are all about easy miles and easy pace.

I started a new hormone replacement protocol this week. At first I felt great almost surreal how good I felt like WOW is this how normal people feel but by day 6-7 I felt like my heart was racing lots. So I reduced my dosage and going back to dr this week. I do not want to go down the overdosed road again and these hormones are tricky to regulate so back I go to dr.

I am very grateful that for 99% of my runs I felt good this week and no thyroid yuck looming as I ran. Pretty happy about how I felt this week overall.

Monday 30 Minutes (3.5 miles)
Tuesday 30 Minutes (3.8 miles)
Wednesday 45 Minutes (5.2 miles) + Strides
Thursday 1 hr & 15 minutes (8ish miles)
Friday Off
Saturday 45 Miles (5.2 Miles)
Sunday 1 hr & 12 minutes (8.25 miles)

Miles 33-34ish miles
Never give up. Keep transforming. Keep thinking positive. Keep moving forward. Never, never, never give up. That's the heart of a true transformation champion! #GOD #faith #strength #fitness #belief #believe #create #humble #humility #progress #cardio #healthcare #homegym #workout #marathon

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