Monday, June 3, 2013

Get up do what you LOVE

do what you love

I have a workout today that I am both looking forward but also a bit unsure/unsettled about it. It is very humid here so I will taking it to the treadmill. I am thinking I will do warm-up and cool-down outside but the workout will be on the treadmill. I want to be able breathe and feel confident both of which the treadmill will allow for better than heat & humidity.

I have to say how much I love running FAST! Especially when I can and no health issues. Nothing feels better than opening up the legs, feeling fast, feeling smooth and relaxed. This is my hope for the day. 5X5 minutes @ hard effort with 2 minute jog/walk recovery. I had 4X5 minutes last week which went well @ 6:29, 6:28, 6:29, 6:22 on the track so I am hoping to better those times on the treadmill.

Mantra for today is stay relaxed and calm! Keep the mind relaxed as possible.


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