Saturday, June 15, 2013

My love affair with the Fartlek

I got to scream I LOVE fartleks!!!  Today I had 8 miles with 10X1 minute hard with 1 minute easy recovery. Can I just stay I love this work! I never did type of stuff until my new coach who goes heavy in the fartlek department.

My legs are definitely ready to run fast given the chance. This AM temp and low humidity made the run all the more pleasant. I was anxious to get out early to enjoy the morning 64 degrees!! Woo Hoo Felt like so amazing!! Can not believe how dropping out of the 100% humidity and 70 dew point range makes HUGE difference. I ran those minuters effortless at 6:28, 6:22, 6:25, 6:10, 6:00, 6:09, 5;54, 5:58, 6:01. I didn't even feel like I was running fast and totally could have and wanted to do like 10 more of these reps but alas the point is just to keep the legs fresh and nothing to be gained  by extending the workout. So I had to stop! I was super shocked at the sub 6 minute efforts cause I wasn't pressing hard. I was just letting my legs go...

I am super pleased. I am praying that the fitness that I know is there can shine through in Grandmas. My coach and I have not discussed goals at all. Main goal when we started training 6-8 weeks ago was to get healthy and have a solid training cycle being healthy. No eye on times. He has not eluded to anything and I am super hesitate to ask. I feel like I am just better off not setting my sites on any specific time but just letting it come to me sort of like what has been going on these past weeks training. My coach currently does not give paces to hit for workouts but rather effort levels which at first was totally hard to comprehend and go with but now after doing it his way I can see the value it. Like today if time goal was set than I may have watched my garmin rather run on feel which would limit me.

To wrap up, it was a really great run this AM. Couldn't be happier!

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